Haiti – August 24

The days seem to be running together but the and they seem to be getting harder. We spent most the day in Les Cayes buying food supplies for distribution in the small community where we distributed the tarps. Food distribution is not always what I care to do but these people lost everything in the earthquake. These situations always have the tendency to be dangerous. When people see the food it can become like a powder keg. We will disguise the food so they will not see it and Pastor Harry will be able to bring calm and discipline to the crowd before the distribution starts. The food bag contains rice, beans, spaghetti, tomato sauce, salted herring and a small bottle of oil. It will take much prayer and discernment to pull this off. Praise God From Whom all Blessings Flow.


Preparing the food bags
158 bags for distribution
Rice,beans,spaghetti, tomato sauce, salted herring and a small bottle of oil.