Guatemala Mission Trip – June 15, 2018

Today is a day of reflection on what we have encountered. I guess words can’t really express how cruel and beautiful nature can be. The true crime to humanity is if we don’t respond to the cards that we’ve been dealt. Only God knows why things like this happens and only God knows who will respond. All I know is that His timing is perfect.

We were one of the first foreign response teams to arrive besides the rescue workers from Guatemala and Mexico, news agencies and gawkers. I don’t know where this goes but our willingness to work under the authority of CONRED has opened a door that not many can go through. The relocation process will start soon and we have to be ready to mobilize. I think our initial goal will be to build 10 houses. At the request of CONRED we are working on an architectural drawing with house specifications. This will be presented before CONRED for approval. There will be details to work out but I am confident that we will get the green light. I think we can accomplish the construction of one house for $5000.00, possibly less. I met with the architect again this morning who is donating his talents to finalize some details for our house project. After our meeting I spent the rest of the day with Russ and Vicky. Jim took some alone time. I leave in the morning back to the states. We will start our plea for open hearts and minds to help us get this much needed project off the ground. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.