Kenny’s in Haiti now working on Mission House
Kenny returned to Haiti on October 27 to continue work on the house for missionaries with Chuck and TEM. They will return November 4th. Please keep all the missionaries in your prayers. Your support for projects such as this are greatly appreciated!
Shoes to Mexico this Christmas
Dear Friends and Family,
As a result of our fundraising efforts last year at this time, Give Me Shelter Ministries was able to distribute 1000 blankets in the colonia’s where we work in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. Locally we raised over $6,000. and as a group we met our goal of $11,000. I can’t describe the feeling of giving a blanket to a family who has never owned one. Most of us probably own more blankets that we will ever use yet for many of these people owning one was not within their means. Thank you again to all of you who made this possible.
We will be returning to Nuevo Laredo this Christmas and our hope this year is to bring 1000 pairs of shoes. However, we cannot do it alone. We are once again asking for help from our friends and family. The cost of purchasing shoes is $15. This will cover the cost of the shoes as well as any duty we have to pay to transport them across the border.
If you would like to help GMSM meet our goal of purchasing 1000 pairs of shoes you can do so by donating $15 or any dollar amount you would like to give. 100% of what you give will be used to purchase shoes. All checks should be made payable to Give Me Shelter Ministries (GMSM) and mailed to P.O. Box 864 Shalimar, Fl 32579. We need to place our order for the shoes by mid November so if you would like to help us, please send your donations no later than November 10, 2010. All donations are tax deductible. (UPDATE: Thanks to a deal with Payless Shoes, we have until DECEMBER 5th to receive donations for shoes. We have already raised $8,000 for this mission, so we’re over half way there! Praise the Lord! Please help us complete this mission… buy a pair of shoes for $15 TODAY! Just click the PayPal “Donate Now” button and indicate you are offering shoes for this mission. THANK YOU and God Bless!)
As always, we thank you for your continued support of our mission work in Mexico.
Yours in Christ,
Kenny Phillips: Founder/Director
Give Me Shelter Ministries, Inc.
Kenny’s in Mexico Now with Beachside Community Church
Mexico House Building September 24-27, 2010 with PTCC
Hard Work Paying Off
You can only praise God from whom all blessings flow. Bill and Joe finished up the benches today and they promised I could be in the group picture. After all, I did help in this project it’s just I was doing floaters between George and these two. What fantastic men these are. They love as love should love.
George and I, after all the work we put into the trusses, finally got one up and in place today. These things are beasts. They have to be to carry the load of the mission house. This will surly be a nice place. I think these 10 heavy trusses kicked our butts. The prep work that went into each one was intense.
Tomorrow is the last day for this trip and we plan to work only a half day. Our plan is to try and get two more trusses set. This project has not seen the last of me. I am sure to be back to try and help TEM get this behind them so they can carry on with the new facility. I love working closely with the Haitian bosses. Everyone doing his part for the one goal of kingdom expansion. Amen.
This Mission Trip Completed
Done deal, we are finished with this part of the mission. We made one last trip up the mountain to tie up a few last minute things, set one more truss and say adios to our friends. One of our interpreters father-in-law got murdered yesterday. Some sort of a robbery gone wrong I think.
Once down the mountain we stopped by Harry’s church to check out some damage that happened last night due to a storm to the place where the church meets. A meager structure but fits the need at this point. A church in St. Charles, Missouri is building a new church for the congregation but so far all they have done is build the foundation and that has been finished for some time now. Do not even know what the hold up is. There seems to be continuous bummers here but the Haitians are so resilient they somehow keep bouncing back. The needs are endless, just find one and stick to it. That is why GMSM has decided to champion Harry’s house. This pastor has enough to worry about without thinking about where his family will sleep. We need every one’s help, we will also continue to help Sister Fani and her son Cado. We fly back from the real world to fantasy land tomorrow. It will be good to see Kim and the chica’s.
Haiti Mission Now
Kenny is in the midst of a 12 day mission to Haiti. Please click on our blog link in the menu to see the reports and photos.
Big Hike in Haiti
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Today was one that rivals all the best. Harry and I went up to Crochu ( coo-she ) to visit Sister Fani and her son Cado. What a blessing it was to make this trip. A much needed trip to visit a place where the Lord has placed my heart. Harry and a little boy named Ramon and I hiked up the ravine to make the pilgrimage to the village on top of the mountain. This is where the dear Pastor Fani lived and preached. As most know he passed away late last year.
We were going up to visit the family and check on the house that GMSM funded to build. The process has been slow for reasons I am not sure. That part has been out of our hands. But construction has started and from what I can tell the structure looks very good. I love the way the Haitians build. It was so good to visit Madam Fani and Cado. She prepared a nice meal and we talked about her family, the church and needs that the family has.
Cado starts school in October so GMSM set him up for the year. It only cost $100.00 U.S. dollars to pay for books, tuition and uniforms. This family has blessed me so much and has shown me things that you don’t see in most Christians. All may not agree but no one has been in the footsteps of this family the way I have.
Paul does say in Romans 3: 23 that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. It was such a sad feeling going up the mountain towards the pastor’s old house. All the trails he used to blaze have grown over so much that we actually had a tough time getting through. When we reached the old house, it to was grown over and falling in. Things in the areas were always so vibrant and clean. The path that leads from the old house to the church was almost not passable. I guess it is time to move on with the passing of a season.
On our way back down we went the long, main trail. The valleys are beautiful. This is a tough trek even for me. I am in good shape but I am also getting a little older. Such a bummer that time waits for know one. Not even me.
One day at a time
The days are starting to mesh together like they always do down here. You can see the heat and long hours starting to wear on some of the faces of the guys. It’s hard on me to. We continued to do prep work for the trusses and build desk. Bill worked hard on the four wheeler with not much luck getting it mobile. The hope was that he would have it running so I could drive it up the mountain to visit the village up there a.k.a. Jerusalem II. Tomorrow Harry and I will hike up and back. It will make for a long and tiring day. Today I got behind the welder and started welding some of the c-channels for the roof trusses. I am expanding my territory. It was another good day and now I need a good night’s sleep. The work goes on as life in Haiti does, one day at a time. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.