Greed is something that has been around since God breathed breath into the dust of a man. There is no difference today. A while back over the summer greed raised its ugly head and stopped us from completing a mission to build an elderly woman a home in the Colonia Los Artista, Nuevo Laredo Mx. The greed took the form of gang and drug violence. We were forced to cancel a team coming in to build the house because man decided to take lives into his own hand and inflict horror and physical harm to whom ever got in the way of his selfish desires. The cancellation was only to protect the ones that had not made it down to the border yet. This had the trickle down effect that caused Santana’s home not to be built.
Praise God that Shalimar United Methodist Church (SUMC), the host church of this house building mission trip allowed GMSM to hold onto the funds for the house so we could build it when things quieted down a bit.
My friends from Preston Trails Community Church (PTCC) under the leadership of my dear brother Taylor White contacted me to set up a trip to build a new pre fabricated house. This trip was to be a barometer for this new house to work out all the kinks and to get Sanjuana sanctuary from the craziness that can come from the colonias.
This house was designed by a faithful brother Mark Whaley. GMSM supplied the funds for the house via SUMC and Mark and the truss company supplied the house parts complete with the metal roof. We converged on the property of Sanjauna with 10 men and the will to go forward with God’s plan.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow, God once again orchestrated a great team to work together for His glory. The outcome of obedience is always good. It is always cool to see how people work together for a common goal. It is also cool to know that greed cannot stop the work of the Lord; it can only postpone it for a short while.
Brother Kenny
More great photos soon… !