I awoke this morning excited because today is dress day. This is the day we will give out the dresses that the church ladies made. We will gather the young girls together around 4:00 this afternoon. We only have 40 dresses so we asked Maxi to get the forty girls together at one of the houses that we put a roof on. The only bummer will be that there will not be enough for all. That’s the hard part. My prayers is that the church ladies will make more for my next trip down. My prayers will also be that between Conscience International and Give Me Shelter Ministries we will also be able to raise funds to continue to “Raise The Roofs” on many more homes. This redevelopment project is one of the best organized projects that we have been involved in. All glory to God first and much thanks to Conscience International and all who contributed to this project. As for the rest of the day, it was like the ground hog day movie. The day started like the others. We picked up materials to do four more houses, dropped them off at ground zero and watched as the locals hauled them up the mountain. Incredible how people are helping others get their material to the houses. We also took a look at the last four homes to get a count on metal and nails for each home. The mountain and village never seems to end. We have moved further and upward on the mountain and I’m beginning to see just how large this area is. Tomorrow we hope to have a meeting with the elders of the village to reemphasize the need for cooperation and patience. It’s just amazing to watch all this come together. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.