What would a day in Haiti be like if you didn’t pursue something that was not gonna happen anyway. Big bummer, my internet connection has the windows boarded up and is no longer in business and as a good shop keeper. Sister Mary has a policy of not giving out the password to the holy grail. So I was totally bummed to find out about the closing of internet sanctuary.
There is a new company other Digicel that is called NapCom which has gotten good review from locals and blancs alike. So I figure hey what the heck let’s drive the 10 mile three hour trip to the NapCom store and get me all hooked up with a new air card for the IPad. First of all that sounds way too easy. I should have been skeptical but hey man it was a new day and I’m back in the saddle in Haiti ready to rock. Man I must be getting gullible in my old age. The NapCom dude tells me the air card won’t work on the IPad because mine is not the 3G version. That was not the answer I was wanting to hear, but he is right unless there is a 3G adapter. Sounds like I know what I’m talking about but trust me I am as lost as if I try to navigate my way through Port Au Prince by myself.
All is good, Harry had a beautiful baptism service at his church and it really confirms why I am here. Washing off the filth and coming out clean. What a true public profession of faith. Another very cool thing is, last night I met this cat named Brent Gibson here at the guest house. He is from NYC and works down the street from Jeremy. He has a PHD in…………can’t remember. Anyway as we talked it was pretty obvious we are both kinda traveling a similar path. We both are venturing into areas of grass roots type stuff. He has an organization called HaitCorps International. He is involved with a group called FAVILEK ( famn victim leve kampe ) or women victims get up stand up. This is a Haitian group that reaches out to rape victims and physically abused women. They have a headquarters where the women are taken to and they are teaching them to sew. Specifically to sew and make handbags. They are paid daily and have a lunch provided. Brent brought a purse designer from NYC to train the women. From what I understand she is a high profile designer. They bring in material from the states and they produce a nice product which is sold state side and the money pours back into the women. Harry and I had the opportunity to vist the house with Brent this morning before the rabbit chase. I am very moved and impressed with what we witnessed today. Awesome, praise God from whom all blessings flow. Give don’t take away !