Local carpenters are repairing the rafters.
Local carpenters are repairing the rafters.
Local carpenters are repairing the rafters.
Local carpenters are repairing the rafters.
The work was started in the morning and by 4:00 pm was completed.
The work was started in the morning and by 4:00 pm was completed.
Alex speaks to the sister of the home before we head back to Gran Goave.
Alex speaks to the sister of the home before we head back to Gran Goave.

Oct 18

After a good nights sleep I was up early and took a walk around Camp Perrin. I really do not see much, if any, activity going on relief wise. Save Our Children are here but they have been in Camp Perrin for a long time. I met one of their field directors and hope we might partner with them, especially at the tent city. There are so many children there and they do not have a WC (latrine). That is a major health concern. What we could use in Camp Perrin is a chain saw crew with experienced operators. This place is mess. I saw some pictures taken several days before the storm and this place was beautiful. So many trees and shade and the town stayed cool because of the canopy. They say you could walk all over and not leave the shade. Now there is no greenery or trees. Could take decades or maybe a generation to get back. The roof project was finished today so now these sisters and grandchildren can at least stay dry. We loaded up and headed back to Gran Goave to regroup and start the supply process all over. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
