As I approach the end of this trip, I can reflect on how Gods hands were truly on us and the village. As we left Les Cayes and headed east we stopped in St. Louise de Sud a small coastal village were we helped re build a house last October on our first trip post hurricane Mathew. We saw some fishermen pulling in a net and wanted to see the catch. We ended up buying some fresh shrimp and fish. The shrimp was cooked immediately and devoured but the fish went home with Harry for later use.
We hung out for a short while and talked to the people then blasted off east and then north over the mountains to Port au Prince and then on to Harry’s home in Croix des Bouqette. I stayed with Harry’s family for the night and half the next day until time to head to the airport. Once I did get to the airport to head back to my family and home I realized how much our Father had allowed us to do. This could not have happened without your help. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!