First 2 Days Back in Haiti

Kenny is back in Haiti with Brother Chuck of Truth Evangelistic Ministry, working on the foundation for a new church in Port Au Prince, delivering food to children in the village of Z’Orange, and making preparations for the team coming in November. Please pray for all these Christians in Haiti who deliver the truth about Jesus Christ to people who are less fortunate than us in the U.S.A.

Oct 28, 2009 Haiti mission trip
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, what a day. After another killer meal (breakfast) we headed out to Harry’s church site to survey the progress on the foundation. Chuck spoke to Boss T. Crabs to discuss what was needed as far as materials for the next phase of the project. It was cool to sit and listen as Gods plan unfolds. When the discussion was over we headed out to Love a Child to get the truck and pick up some Feed My Starving Children food to take up to Z’Orange. I drove the truck through town, up the mountain, back down the mountain and back through town. It was so good to see Pastor Doleon and the people of the village. It is also cool to help out with driving duties to give Chuck a break. Once we got back down the mountain the sun was gone and the real fun got started. Trust me; it is a trip driving at night in PAP, Haiti. CRAZY! We found our way back to Harry’s church where Chuck and George was waiting. We left the truck there and trucked back to Dottie’s. What a great day. Thank you Lord Jesus.
Oct 27, 09 Haiti Mission Trip
Nothing out of the norm, Gods business as usual. Lots of air time, flight legs and all the stuff it takes to get down to Haiti. It is always good to spend some quality time with Chuck. It may seem selfish but I do like it sometimes when we travel alone. It is nice to just bounce things around. Seems like when we are home both our ministries keep us moving and it is hard to pin each other down. We need to work on that. Anyway we hooked up with our group in PAP (Port Au Prince), had a great meal as always at Dottie’s and just chilled waiting on the Lord to give us direction. Many things need to be done. Materials need to be bought for Harry’s church in PAP, food needs to be picked up and taken out to the village of Z’Orange and preparations need to take place for the team coming in November. It will be a busy week and I am excited to see what God has in store for us. I do hope and pray to see Pastor Fani.