Guatemala Relief Trip July 11-20-2014
Day six  7-17-14

As usual it was up early and on the road. It’s about an hour drive. We finished the cables and tightened them up. The concrete dudes dug the footers and then worked on the rebar cages and columns. Both pastors and I went and looked at a few potential  projects. The quake did do a lot of damage to homes and other buildings. Like the Haiti quake it’s funny how the damage is random. I guess a lot has to do with how well you prepare your structure. Proper size rebar and concrete mixture along with a deep footer is key. There have been several tremblers over the last few days but only minor. It has been such a joy working with the folks and being in my element. There is much work to be done and so little of resources at the moment. The church will be taken care of and I think one or two homes will be able to be repaired. We will have to reach out to more people to be able to continue. Gods grace is sufficient and He will provide as He see a fit.


Digging the footer.
Digging the footer.
Preparing the rebar.
Preparing the rebar.
The deeper the better. This hole will be filled with rocks, cement and rebar.
The deeper the better. This hole will be filled with rocks, cement and rebar.